After all, people always have a story to tell and we are no different

About KSL BR

KSL was founded in 2015, initially as a neutral and independent NVOCC. We currently operate consolidated cargo through our own independent service and act as a freight forwarder. In order to diversify its activities, KSL BR LTDA was created, broadening its scope to include not only consolidated maritime cargo, but also Freight Forwarding, maritime, air and road cargo, warehousing, insurance, packaging, special projects, refrigerated cargo, as well as Corporate Consulting in International Transport Logistics.

Be King

Our Culture Cultura

Our Purpose

To promote sustainable solutions and results for the entire ecosystem, through full cooperation aimed at making everyone’s dreams come true.


Our Mission

To offer logistics solutions to industry, commerce and society, constantly adapting the business to the real economy and the mobility of the world.


We want to be unforgettable, constantly strengthening the culture of entrepreneurship, challenges and valuing our business and our people.

Our main goal

To achieve exponential and continuous results, always with social and corporate responsibility and respecting our own well-being and that of everyone.


About KSL


Processes carried out


Cubic Meters Moved


Ports served


Countries served


To offer logistics solutions to industry, commerce and society, constantly adapting the business to the real economy and the mobility of the world.


We aim to be unforgettable, constantly strengthening the culture of entrepreneurship, challenges and valuing our business and our people.



In a broad and competitive market, the challenge is great and we face it with an open heart. We reinvent ourselves all the time: diversifying operations, modernizing the way we do business and bringing together a mix of knowledge, respect and competitiveness. All this, of course, with a dose of thoughtfulness, but also with a great desire to grow and win.

This is how transformation and innovation came about in freight forwarding operations. We strengthen relationships, create customized projects and do everything efficiently. Bringing a touch of competitiveness that makes all the difference in the production chain, an attitude that sets growth in motion!



The first step towards achieving everything we dreamed of was to create a central message strong enough to get all our employees, friends, customers, suppliers, representatives and other members of our community to understand our purpose, uniting the rational and the emotional into a single force for the future. And, knowing that “what’s harder than getting to the top is staying there”, we started operating under two banners, operating complementary activities together in the same market, joining forces and increasing the scope of our product and business network, under the KSL BR and KINGSHIP LINE brands.

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